GasForward CCP Market


Within the GasForward with CCP market you can trade medium and long term contracts which are regulated under RERA’s order nr. 223/2018 which corresponds with order nr. 105/2018.

The following products are approved and available for trading:

  • Week
  • Month
  • Quarter
  • Semester
  • Warm season
  • Cold season
  • Calendar year
  • Gas year

Details about the medium and long term product market with central counteparty.

In order to register on the GasForward CCP market, you must complete the following steps:

  • Sign the RCE Collaboration agreement and provide proof of a Balancing and acces to the VPT contract concluded with Transgaz S.A.
  • Sign the Convention for participation to the centralized Natural Gas Market in 2 original copies and send them to us via post, courier or e-mail to be signed by RCE
  • Sign the Member Compensation agreement;
  • Sign the REMIT reporting agreement
  • Provide a Bank guarantee in RCE’s favour (see instructions)
  • In order to trade on the trading platform, a person with a decisional role must complete and sign a power of attorney for the person who will trade,