Balancing Market


The Romanian commodities exchange operates as a third party which organises and administers the Natural Gas Balancing Market in partnership with S.N.T.G.N. Transgaz S.A.

Within this market you can trade a quantity of Natural Gas within the daily limit communicated by TSO for Gas day D-1.

Advised products which can be traded within this market are:

Imbalance D-1

Details about the Balancing Market

In order to register on the Balancing Market proceed like so:

In order to register for the BALANCING Market you must proceed like so:

  • Sign the Collaboration Agreement and provide us with the Balancing and VTP access contract concluded with SNTGN Transgaz S.A.
  • Sign the Convention for participation to the Balancing Natural Gas market in 2 original copies and send them by post, courier or e-mail in order to be signed by RCE;
  • Sign a Direct Debit agreement in RCE’s favour (RO64 RNCB 0082 0009 9180 0001 – RCE current account) between your account open at BCR or another bank which holds a Direct Debit agreement with BCR.
  • Provide guarantees in RCE’s favour which will cover 100% of the transaction value on the buying sense. The guarantee can be constituted through a Letter of guarantee advised by BCR or by opening an Escrow account at the Romanian commercial bank
    • Buying guarantee= 1 * Highest accepted price * Largest quantity wanted to be traded
    • Guarantee for Sale= 0
  • In order to allow a person to trade, a person with a decisional role must fill in and sign an empowerment

BCR contacts:

  • Sorin Ioan Ciupitu – – Tel: 0786727825 – Trade Finance
  • Gabriela Roșu – – Tel: 0734999953 – Cash Management
  • Horia Negrău – – Tel: 0786463608 – Trade & Cash Management