Auction Market


Use the Auction market’s trading platform in order to trade various commodities, services and/or contracting such as:

  • Buying or selling products (Fuel, ore, prime material, etc.)
  • Renting spaced for various use (Office buildings or industrial spaces, ad campaign space, etc.)
  • Exploiting waste resulted from various activities through selling it (metal, oils, etc.)
  • Contracting services while respecting specific legislation when it comes to public authorities or contracting entities (Security services, Medical services, advertising services, etc.)

Auction market details

1.Acces to the Retail market

Access to the Retail market is allowed for shareholders, affiliated members (collaboration agreement) and commodities’ exchanges.

Affiliated members are organisations which are granted trading rights by satisfying the conditions agreed by RCE’s board of directors, as they are written within the affiliated member section.

Commodity brokerage organisations are shareholders or affiliated members of RCE which activity is the brokerage field.

Register as an affiliated member in order to become your own broker!


  • Consult the affiliated member statute
  • Complete the affiliated member request and its annex
  • Conclude the collaboration agreement with RCE
  • Complete the affiliated folder which contains the following documents:
  • “Certificat constator” emitted by the National commerce registry, original or copy, with a maximum of 90 days before applying for the affiliate member status
  • Fiscal registration certificate
  • A copy of your last balance sheet
  • A copy of the document certifying that you may operate with the commodity in question (production certificate,trader license, distribution license, etc.)
  • Provide RCE with the affiliation folder, original or via e-mail. After validation, an invoice representing the annual affiliation tax for the Retail market will be issued. RCE will provide the contract representing your organisations statute as well as the rights granted in order to trade. The affiliation contract will be renewed and invoiced yeearly.

Rules regarding the Retail market, administered by RCE, contain norms concerned with the organisation and course of transactions that correspond with Law 357/2005 of commodity exchanges. Transactions are conducted depending on the commodities within specialised categories and for which a specific procedure is defined.

2. Retail market functionality

3. Launching trade orders

Register your buying or selling offers

  • Download the initiating order →Orders can be initiated online based on your user rights granted through the electronic trading platform, obtained after signing the RCE collaboration agreement .
  • Complete the Initiating order according to your requirements and send it to RCE


Respond to an already active offer in the market

  • Download and  Opposite order  for the initiating order for which you wish to participate →  Participarea la ședințele de tranzacționare a activelor programate pe platforma electronică de tranzacționare se face pe baza contului de utilizator. Anunțarea în piață a ordinelor este condiționată de constituirea garanției bursiere specificată în ordinul inițiator respectiv.
  • Completați Ordinul de Sens Contrar și transmiteți-l la BRM împreună cu documentele solicitate prin ordinul inițiator (specifice pentru clienții ordonatori care au calitatea de Autorități sau Entități Contractante)

4. Scheduling of products for trade


Products are scheduled for trade with maximum 7 days from the point of order validation.

Before the trading session:

  • RCE publishes the Initiating order
  • Opposite orders are received and validated

Product trading takes place only for the conditions mentioned in the Initiating orders. Any modification must be stated before hand while respecting the procedure  and deadlines within the Trading procedure of the product category. Modifications can determine the change of the date of the auction.

5. The conducting of a trading session

Documents are analysed according to specifications of the active towards trading admission.

Within the electronic platform transaction, during the trading session, price improvement, quantity modification and attribute change are allowed.

6.Trading commitment fulfillment according to the trading session.

Trading session closing, trading report publishing and the transaction contract signing take place between RCE, the selling broker and the buying broker.

The trading report highlights all the stages of the trading session as well as its elements.

The Transaction contract represents the parties agreement upon the conclusion of a trade and fulfillment of the buying-selling contract issued based on the session agreement.

7. Participation guarantee release

This is realised through depositing/offering a guarantee release request at RCE’s headquarters. –Guarantee release request draft.

The participation guarantee can be held by RCE in order to take part in future auctions.